
The three winners of our 'Best Kept Secret 2022' competition

05/09/2022 - 14:49

Our "Best Kept Secret" competition was a success for the second year in a row.  We would like to thank the more than 1000 participants from all over Belgium who took part in our action.

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Rooftop gardens in the spotlight - Interview with Nadine Wiggers

18/08/2022 - 15:49

The roofs of houses and buildings offer an ideal terrain to reintroduce nature into the city, to invent local cultivation areas or to create pleasure gardens in the sky. They are both useful and pleasant surfaces. Green roofs are landscape architect Nadine Wiggers’ speciality. Let's get to know her.

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Project in the spotlight: an oasis of greenery in every garden

06/07/2022 - 15:18

JEAMIE HENDRICKX wants to create an oasis of greenery in every garden so that people can relax at home in these hectic and busy times.

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Hobart Airport, where beautiful planter boxes welcome travellers

14/06/2022 - 15:07

Twenty large planter boxes holding Tasmanian native plants “welcome” travellers at the airport entrance.

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Project in the spotlight - Geoffrey Lemmens, manager of the company Gesnoeid BV in Belgium

07/06/2022 - 14:07

He tells us a little more about his company, work and why he uses TerraCottem.

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"A visitor to a garden sees the successes, usually. The gardener remembers mistakes and losses, some for a long time, and imagines the garden in a year, and in an unimaginable future."

- W.S. Merwin

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