Preliminary results on a suitability trial of new trees species in Berlin

16/07/2018 - 00:00

Trial done with the TerraCottem soil conditioning technology on Neukölln’s heavily polluted roadsides.

*** translated from original German article ***

Page 12 "Bodenhilfstoffe im Vergleich" = comparative analysis of soil amendments:

"Vegetationslänge" = length of vegetative period:

On average, the TerraCottem treated trees have a 2 week longer vegetation period compared to both the mycchorizae treatment and the control;

"Blütenbildung" = bud development:

more buds on the Magnolia Kobus variety;

"Stammzuwachs" = stem growth:

both TerraCottem and mycchorizae Mykorrhiza have a positive effect on the stem growth;

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