
Green Arteries: Reviving Czech landscapes with bio-corridors

19/02/2024 - 08:36

Bio-corridors are being planted throughout the Czech Republic as a measure to prevent wind erosion. Until the period following World War II, Czechoslovakia was characterized by privately owned farms. However, with the advent of communist rule in 1948, the government transitioned to a planned economy, leading to the nationalisation of approximately 95% of the land. This shift saw farms and woodlands reorganized into large agricultural expanses. Consequently, the elimination of hedges and small woodland areas, which previously segmented the private farms, led to significant soil erosion.

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Celebrating Gilbert Vangampelaere: A Conversation with TerraCottem's First Production Manager

26/12/2023 - 09:32

As we near the end of our celebration year, we'd like to shine a spotlight on Gilbert Vangampelaere, one of our early staff members who retired six years ago. Gilbert played a crucial role as our first Production Manager, even before the TerraCottem company was born. Throughout his time with us, Gilbert showcased an impressive range of skills, both in his professional role and in his personal life. He's not just a retired pro; he's also a talented artist, writer, poet, and more.

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Meet Frank Dewever, from triathlete to TerraCottem: a journey of versatility and perseverance

04/12/2023 - 07:32

TerraCottem is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. This year also marks the 60th birthday of Sales Manager Frank Dewever, who has been with the company since its inception in 1993. Thus, the TerraCottem journey already accounts for half of his life. This presents the perfect opportunity to delve deeper into the story of this long-serving TerraCottem staff member.

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A peek into the green world of Niels Vandevelde: Garden architect and garden contractor

15/11/2023 - 07:52

We like to put end users in the spotlight. This week, we paid a visit to Niels Vandevelde, garden architect and contractor from Leupegem, Oudenaarde in Belgium. We had a lovely chat over a good cup of coffee and overlooking a beautiful garden.

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Trees with character: The story behind the monumental Parrotia Persica

31/10/2023 - 07:53

An Instagram post by B-Garden Bv recently caught our attention. An overnight transport - "convoi exceptionnel" was carrying a large tree. Where did it come from? And most importantly, where was it going? We contacted Emile Beel, owner of B-Garden Bv in Belgium: it turned into an enlightening and entertaining conversation.

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"A visitor to a garden sees the successes, usually. The gardener remembers mistakes and losses, some for a long time, and imagines the garden in a year, and in an unimaginable future."

- W.S. Merwin

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